Cadbury drive retail sales with VR behavioural data insights
Consumer research with VR retail data analytics
Cadbury create VR retail simulations to test new ideas and optimise how their product range is displayed in store so shoppers choose Cadbury products rather than competitor products. VR shopper data analytics is therefore an essential tool to measure shelf layout, point of sale materials and price promotions which directly impact sales and Cadbury’s bottom line. Quest headsets with 6DOF store environments and scalable iOS/Android handsets with VR viewers are innovative approaches to consumer research which Cadbury deploy with our VR behavioural data platform. Analysing how shoppers navigate store fixtures and what grabs their attention has delivered results similar to eye-tracking and, importantly, delivered retail category growth.
Advanced metrics on VR shopper behaviour
VR simulations of shopping trips with behavioural data measures which product packaging and merchandising concepts perform better based on shopper behaviours in store. VR retail data analytics include navigation around the shelf and the natural exploration of the store fixture are tracked to assess how people searched for products, the order of events and the priority given to each target area. Attention heatmaps measure the amount of time people view specific areas on the shelf and the sequence and priority of areas viewed. By defining target areas in the VR store, different shelf layouts are analysed to measure relative performance against each other.
Award-winning results with increased sales
Advanced VR retail data analytics enable Cadbury to measure shopper behaviour in virtual stores which is a quicker and more cost effective method compared to observing people in physical stores. Data insights demonstrate ease of shopping (comparing different test scenarios) and highlighted the position as well as colour of product packaging on shelves which captured shopper attention the most. Cadbury’s shopper insight team are therefore able to make confident business decisions based on reliable behavioural data to drive sales.
“We’ve been able to combine shopper feedback using VR and behavioural data to confirm our hypotheses and change investment into the shopping environment to drive category growth.”
Shopper Insights, Mondelēz International.
Innovation of the Year Award
Market Research Society (MRS)